We don’t add anything to our flours. Simply natural, simply delicious.
Milled with heart
The Farm Little mill is operated by Lucas, the resident milling expert!
Lucas is passionate about growing & sourcing high quality, certified organic grains to mill into versatile flour for every baking need. He loves building relationships with local bakers to get great flour into their hands!
If you are a home baker, or a local bakery looking for high quality locally stone milled flour: please reach out to Lucas here.
We offer a variety of stoneground flours, all of which are milled right here on our farm!
We only work with certified organic grains, and try our best to source our grains as local as possible.
The wheat kernel has 3 parts:
the bran (full of fibre & protein)
the germ (contains fatty acids and B vitamins)
the endosperm (has the carbs, starches, protein, iron & B vitamins).
Commercially milled flour typically has the bran and germ (the most nutritious parts) removed. Steel rollers are used to grind the flour, which heat up in the process, and essentially any nutrition that wasn’t removed in the grinding process, is heated to such a high temperature, that most of the nutrients are killed off.
Our stone mill gently and slowly grinds the kernels, keeping all 3 parts of the kernel in the flour. We only remove the tough outermost layer of the kernel- the rest is all in there! The bran is ground very finely, and that is why our flour doesn’t have large, hard chunks of bran, The stones in our mill (compared to commercially used steel rollers), stay cold while milling, which means the nutrients are all kept intact.
We mill in small batches to optimize freshness, and ensure top quality.
If you aren’t convinced by the increased nutrition, the taste of fresh, stone milled flour is unbeatable!
We mill 5 different varieties of flour, from certified organic grains:
Red Fife
Whole Wheat
Don’t know which flour you need? Check out below:
Our best seller, and most versatile flour. The most comparable to an all purpose flour.
A heritage grain: one of Canada’s oldest varieties of wheat. The taste is unique, although not strong- super delicious!
Perfect for bread, muffins, pizza dough, cookies, pancakes- just about anything!
A soft flour, ground from soft white wheat.
Pastry flour has a lower protein content, and is therefore used more often in pie crusts, cakes, biscuits, scones, quick breads, cookies, pancakes, and muffins, rather than yeast/sourdough breads.
The end result of a baked good made with pastry flour is a finer, softer crumb.
Ground from hard red wheat, our whole wheat flour is the perfect bread baking flour.
A basic flour, with a basic taste. Also great for muffins, buns and more!
Spelt can be substituted equally in any wheat flour recipe.
It has a delicious nutty flavour.
A very easy flour to work with.
Any rye bread lovers? The taste isn’t comparable to any other bread- delicious!
Rye doesn’t rise as well as wheat flour, so a blend of whole wheat/red fife and rye is recommended.
Rye flour also creates a strong sourdough starter.